01 287 1069 info@fentonfires.ie

Chesneys Chedworth Fire Surround

The Chesneys Chedworth Fire Surround is a chimneypiece of simple architectural form. It has inset panels of generous proportions that allow the material selected to be fully appreciated. The panels are bordered by conforming mouldings in either stone or marble.

Chesneys Chedworth Fire Surround is part of the British Materials Collection, is available in Portland or Carrara Marble and comes in a range of colours.

In this example we have used panels of Derbyshire quarried Ball Eye Blue, one of the most striking materials from the Collection, together with English Portland stone mouldings to create a fireplace of outstanding beauty and originality.

It is shown with slate hearth and Soho polished steel fire basket.

Overall size : 57″ (1448mm) W x 44 3/4″ (1138mm) H
Opening ; 40″ (1016mm) W x 36″ (915mm) H
Shelf  : N/A
Depth of jamb : 7″ (178mm)

Models in Chesneys British Materials Collection include
The Chedworth, The Avebury and the Cirencester Bolection.