01 287 1069 info@fentonfires.ie

Stovax Chesterfield 5 wide multi-fuel Ecodesign

The Stovax Chesterfield 5 wide multi-fuel Ecodesign stove is a great fit for either fireplaces or freestanding against a wall. Designed around our triple airflow combustion systems, these elegant convector stoves deliver exceptional heating performance. The Stovax Chesterfield 5 wide multi-fuel Ecodesign stove features the range’s convector design to reduce distance to combustibles and enhance heating capability.

The Stovax Chesterfield 5 is an Ecodesign Plus stove, meeting and exceeding Ecodesign air quality standards. Moreover, thanks to their urban area approval, these advanced stoves are exempt from DEFRA Smoke Control Areas, meaning they are suitable for your home whether you live in the town or country.

This multi-fuel stove is available in a wider format: the Chesterfield 5 Wide

Stovax Chesterfield 5
High Efficiency Up to 80%
Energy Efficiency Class A+
Cleanburn & Airwash
Nominal heat output and range 5kW (2.5-7kW)
Dedicated External Air Kit Optional
Multi-fuel model
Convector Stove
Ecodesign Plus
Flue outlet – 5” top or rear

Stovax Chesterfield 5

Stovax Chesterfield 5 Wide
Stovax Chesterfield wide dimmensions